The sons of men will have forgiveness

Truly, I say to you, The sons of men will have forgiveness for all their sins and for all the evil words they say: But whoever says evil things against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness, but the evil he has done will be with him for ever: Because they said, He has an unclean spirit.
Mark 3:28-30 BBE

the sons of men will have forgiveness

for all their sins and for all the evil

words they say the words of our Lord the

sons of men will have forgiveness for

all their sins and for all the evil

words they say even when he was being

nailed he said Father forgive them for

they know not what they do

blessed be your Lord who has forgiven

all man who has made them able to his

sacrifice on the cross to have

forgiveness for all their sins and for

all evil words they say let us be aware

of that at all times let us please be

aware of that at all times and not go

against the Lord for he has decreed that

the sons of men will have forgiveness

for all their sins and for all the evil

words they say mark 3 verse 28 mark 3

verse 28 and further

truly I say to you the sons of men will

have forgiveness for all their sins and

for all the evil words they say but

whoever says evil things against the

Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness

but the evil he has done will be with

him forever why did he say this because

they said he has an unclean spirit they

called God the devil they said Jesus God

in the flesh God with us has an unclean

spirit that is the unpardonable sin so

at all times be ready to be at peace

with all men when they come seeking

peace make peace with them why not

the Lord has made a way for them to be

at right with him so who are you to say

no blessed be your Lord and know that

when someone says that the Lord or

something that has got done in the name

of Christ for whatsoever comes from God

is good

whoever is doing something in the name

of Christ when they say it has an

unclean spirit

no know that in the spirit their evil

will be with them forever blessed be

your Lord blessed be our Lord who has

decreed forgiveness for all sins and for

all evil words blessed be your Lord in

Jesus mighty name amen

so let us do our reading Lord give us

your word speak with your voice speak

unto the hearts of those who are under

the power of your home now in mark three

it starts with healing but notice the

connection between healing and

forgiveness of sins notice the

connection between healing and the

forgiveness of sins and you will see why

this chapter is a lot about what the

Lord said that all men may have

forgiveness as long as they don’t grieve

the Holy Spirit all men may have

forgiveness and this all may have

healing also blessed be your Lord in

Jesus mighty name amen

mark 1 mark 3 sorry mark 3 verse 1 part

3 verse 1 and he went again into the

synagogue and there was a man there

whose hand was dead and they were

watching him to see if he would make him

well on the Sabbath day so that they

might have something against him and he

said to the man get up and come forward

and he said to them is it right to do

good on the Sabbath or to do evil to

give life or to put to death but they

said nothing and look

round on them he was angry whoa Jesus

was angry looking round on them he was

angry being sad because of their hard

hearts and he said to the man put out

your hand

and he put it out and his hand was made

well and the Pharisees went out and

straightaway made designs with the

Herodians about how they might put him

to death but how they might put him to

death and Jesus went away with his

disciples to the sea and a great number

from Galilee came after him and from

Judea and from Jerusalem and from Edo

Maya and the other side of Jordan and a

country about tyre and sidon a great

number hearing what great things he did

came to him and he made a request to his

disciples to have a little boat ready

for him so that he might not be crushed

by the people for he had made such a

great number well that all those who

were the Seas were falling down before

him for the purpose of touching him and

the unclean spirits whenever they saw

him went down before him crying out and

saying you are the son of God

and he gave them special orders not to

say who he was and he went up into the

mountain and sent for those whom it was

his pleasure to have with him and he

went to him and he took 12 to be with

him so that he might send them out as

preachers and give them the power of

driving out

evil spirits – Simon he gave the second

name of Peter and to James the son of

Zebedee and John the brother of James he

gave the second name of Boanerges which

is sons of thunder an Andrew and Philip

and Bartholomew and Matthew and Thomas

and James the son of Alphaeus and

Thaddaeus and Simon the zealot and Judas

Iscariot who was false to him and he

went into a house and the people came

together again so that they were not

able to take bread they were not able to

eat and when his friends had news of it

they went out to get him saying he is

off his head he’s gone crazy how many

times have the people said of the man of

God he is off his head he’s crazy

mark 3 verse 22 and describes who came

down from Jerusalem said he has

Beelzebub and by the ruler of evil


he sends evil spirits out of men and

turning to them he said to them in the

form of a story how is it possible for

Satan to put out Satan know that we’re

talking about healings here how is it

possible for Satan to put out Satan for

only good things come from God remember

the book of Job all the evil that befell

job came from the enemy the Lord let it

pass because he knew who job was and a

joke could stand

but remember this there is no illness

that the Lord gives you it is all a work

of the evil one if you believe Scripture

because other people believe something

else in turning to them mark 3 verse 23

he said to them in the form of a story

how is it possible for Satan to put out

Satan if there is a division if there is

division in a kingdom that Kingdom will

come to destruction and if there is

division in a house that house will come

to destruction and if Satan is at war

with himself and there is division in

him he will not keep his place but will

come to an end but no one is able to go

into the house of the strongman and take

his goods without first putting cords

round the strongman and then he will

take his goods

truly I say to you the sons of men will

have forgiveness for all their sins and

for all the evil words they say but

whoever says evil things against the

Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness

but evil he has done will be with him

forever because they said he has an

unclean spirit that is the unpardonable

sin all the things of God the things of

the devil God call our Lord Jesus

something of the devil to call his

manifestation a manifestation of the

evil one

now don’t die because of lack of

knowledge don’t go saying things you

have no knowledge about the Word of God

is clear healing healing comes by

driving out the evil forces read

scripture and find out how many times

the Lord said well you are forgiven your

sin is forgiven you are healed now go

and sin no more go and sin no more

so whatever is going on in your life if

you believe in the Lord if you are sick

stand stand stand stand be in that hour

like job and no matter what is going on

stand stand

so that

ever things may work out his forgiveness

his healing may fall upon you

in Jesus mighty name blessed be your

Lord blessed be your Lord mark 3 verse

31 and his mother and brother scheme and

were outside and sent for him requesting

to see him and a great number were

seated round him and they said to him

see your mother and your brothers are

outside looking for you and he said in

answer who are my mother and my brothers

and looking round and those who were

seated about him he said see my mother

and my brothers whoever does God’s

pleasure the same is my brother and

sister and mother blessed be your Lord

may these words be engraved in your soul

truly I say to you the sons of men will

have forgiveness for all their sins and

for all the evil words they say but

whoever says evil things against the

Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness

but the evil he has done will be with

him forever

because they said he has an unclean


an unclean spirit when He healed the man

whose hand was not working

he said put out your hand and his hand

was made well show us show the Lord what

your ailment is show the work of the

Evil One and let him cast it out there

is no recipe for that the Lord just says

go the Lord just says show me for evil

cannot stand before God evil cannot

stand before God and no know that his

healing is healing as everything to do

with forgiveness forgiveness of whatever

the reason was that you got ill or in

the case is like job to show who you are

how you can stand in the Word of God

knowing that even if you might die

through that illness you died in Christ

blessed be your Lord may you stand for

if you stand you will receive your crown

of glory blessed be your Lord who gave

himself for forgiveness of our sins the

ones we are aware of and the ones we are

unaware of blessed be your Lord who came

as a

to heal the sick in Jesus mighty name


blessed be your Lord and remember the

sons of men will have forgiveness for

all their sins to all those who have

lost hope this is a message of hope the

Lord says the sons of men will have

forgiveness for all their sins and for

all the evil words they say he says this

of the sons of men be aware we and them

are the same we all will have

forgiveness for all our sins and for all

the evil words we say for God so loved

the world that He sent His only begotten

Son so that all who believe in Him might

not perish but have eternal life blessed

be your Lord in Jesus mighty name amen

blessed be our Lord

Homosexuals and those who hate them.

Comment on an article urging homosexuals to come out of the closet.

Well Brian, I wanted to take a rather low profile on this site, but after reading your article I just had to react.

Let me begin by saying that each day that passes I find myself living more and more by the bible and that every word in the bible is actual today, all of it. It is just a matter of loving your neighbor as you love yourself and interpreting the bible for God’s sake and not for one’s own purposes.

About homosexuals and the people that hate them;
The bible states that homosexuality is not good. But the bible also states that you should love your neighbor, cover iniquities (cover misdeeds of others), have mercy and help all who are not on God’s path, not pervert the bible for your own sake, that God loves us all -even the sinners, he might be angry of their actions, but he loves us all -, and above all “vengeance is mine, says the lord” he will decide who to punish, and how.

Who will be punished more harshly, the homosexual or the person who has hate (Mat 5:21-22) in his heart for one of Gods children. Both the Old and New Testament are in agreement about that.

As a matter of fact the Old and New Testament are in agreement about everything (Mat 5:17-18) according to Jesus. The reason the bible gives for the giving of the New Testament is because Men corrupted the meaning of the Old Testament for their own sake, and not because the Old Testament is incorrect as you imply.

The Old Testament’s “rather lenient views on slave trade and bigamy” are all misconceptions. The laws that where given about these issues where given to mitigate slave trade and bigamy, not to promote it. Just like you will not accept that homosexuality is wrong the peoples of those times would not accept that slave trade and bigamy were wrong, so laws where given to lower their effect. And let it be said clearly, in my opinion only God has the prerogative to judge homosexuality, and deal with it as he wishes, all acts of men against homosexuality are sins of hate and will be dealt with harshly as stated in the Old Testament, New Testament and our current law. What you can do if you do not like homosexuality or whatever is a sin in your views is to stay away from it, as prescribed in the bible (Old and New Testament).

You are pulling some things out of context here, and if conservative exponents where not able to explain the verses it was because God did not want them to pervert the scriptures for their own reasons.

Exodus 21:7 “And if a man sells his daughter as a female slave, she is not to go free as the male slaves do.” (KJV)

How do male slaves go, well;

Exo 21:2 If you buy a Hebrew servant, he shall serve six years. And in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing.
Exo 21:3 If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself. If he was married, then his wife shall go out with him.
Exo 21:4 If his master has given him a wife, and she has borne him sons or daughters, the wife and her children shall be her master’s, and he shall go out by himself. (KJV)

as they came , with nothing, in certain cases the female alluded to here will go with all the benefits she has accumulated.

Exo 21:8 If she does not please her master, who has betrothed her to himself, then he shall let her be redeemed. He shall have no power to sell her to a strange nation, since he has dealt deceitfully with her.
Exo 21:9 And if he has betrothed her to his son, he shall deal with her as with daughters.
Exo 21:10 If he takes himself another wife, her food, her clothing, and her duty of marriage shall not be lessened.
Exo 21:11 And if he does not do these three to her, then she shall go out free without money. (KJV)

These females were meant to become wives, and only if they were not taken as wives were they to be sent away empty handed. So the giving of these laws was to mitigate the length of slavery (6 years). And to lay down how female slaves were to be treated (either in a non-sexual sense or as wives, if you decided to sleep with them).
Before this, one can imagine that slavery was everlasting and female slaves were mere onsite free forced prostitutes. The giving of these laws imply that these issues are not “promoted” by the Old Testament.
And this is not only my interpretation, but the interpretation of the many scholars who have commented on the bible (Clarke, K&D)

The “Good Book” is a how to manual, but we need not “earn” God’s acceptance, just choose love, he loves us all unconditionally. To the first murderer he said that if he (Cain) did well he would be accepted;

Gen 4:6 And Jehovah said to Cain, Why have you angrily glowed? And why did your face fall?
Gen 4:7 If you do well, shall you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin crouches at the door; and its desire is for you, and you shall rule over it. (KJV)

“it is a chronicle of man’s inability to earn God’s acceptance through his own deeds” Huh?? I might be naive, but this is the first and I hope the last time I hear it called that, to me it is THE book of love, of unconditional love for God and of love for my neighbor as I love myself, and all its laws are centered on these two concepts.

Why is it adultery to lust after a woman that is not your wife? Who would want men to lust after their sisters, mothers or daughters? Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
And it is not unattainable; it is just your focus on life.

God’s standards are not impossible to reach; you just need to love, no matter what. Salvation is prophesized in the Old Testament and some say that every mention of the word salvation in the Old Testament is an allusion to Jesus. As stated before the New Testament offers no contrast to the Old Testament whatsoever, only a restatement. “Love your neighbor as yourself” Old Testament Lev 19:18, the Ten Commandments don’t kill, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t bear false witness, and various laws that in essence just describe the way we would like to be treated.

Ok, I guess I’ve made my point, I could go on but I only wanted to state that you are doing exactly what you accuse the conservatives of doing, using the bible for your own purposes. I think there is a better way, and it is the way of the bible, we have all sinned in one way or another, but we should and can love each other, no matter how large we perceive our neighbor’s sin to be.

The thing I found utterly disturbing in this article is that you cannot reject parts of the bible without rejecting the whole, because a house divided against itself can not stand (Mat 12:25, Mar 3:25 New testament) and as Jesus himself said;

Mat 5:17 Do not think that I have come to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to destroy but to fulfill.
Mat 5:18 For truly I say to you, Till the heaven and the earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle shall in any way pass from the Law until all is fulfilled.
Mat 5:19 Therefore whoever shall relax one of these commandments, the least, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of Heaven. But whoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of Heaven. (KJV)

Lastly I would like to say to all who hate others for “sinning”;

Mat 12:31 Therefore I say to you, All kinds of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven to men, but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven to men. (KJV)

So please DO NOT corrupt the words of the bible for your own gain, for that is a form of blasphemy in my view.

May God bless you all and keep you in his Love.